
From Freakapedia
Freakburg2 from a high place

Freakburg2 is Tractor Scott's Cities Skylines city. It has a population of 539,060 as of 2024. Freakburg2 is known for its extremely high crime rates and dangerous levels of solid waste pollution. As of 2024, Freakburg has a literacy rate of 16%. Notable celebrities include Crying Baby and Josh Allen Jr.


As of 2024, Freakburg2 has a population of 539,060, a 489% decline from its population in 2023. Historians say a mass suicide in protest of a 2% income tax hike is to blame for this sharp loss of population.


Per the 2024 Freakburg2 Census, Freakburg2 is 13% white, 22% fugly, 29% Marcus, 34% British, and 16% guys who are 5'10" but say they are 6 feet.


Freakburg2 is situated on the Judson River, a dumping site for industrial waste. Located just outside of a British Petroleum refinery, Freakburg2 experiences a wide range of problems associated with waste pollution runoff. Sinkholes are also common, to which sinkhole coverage is a common item in insurance packages.

Cancer ants

Freakburg2 is located in the Judson Valley, a critical habitat for cancer ants (Solenopsis carciniae). With their acute leukemia-causing bites, cancer ants are a critical public health problem for Freakburg2. However, cancer ants are a protected species under the Endangered Species Act, therefore they cannot be eradicated from Freakburg2.